What Does Joint Custody Mean in Washington, DC?
Even though there is a presumption of joint custody in Washington, DC this does not mean that joint custody is automatic.
1. There are two types of joint custody: joint physical custody and joint legal custody.
- Physical Custody refers to which parent the children are with and which home the children will be sleeping in at night.
- Legal Custody refers to decision-making about major issues in your child’s life, such as, education; non-emergency medical decisions; vaccinations; mental health choices; right to relocate; and religion.
There is no guarantee that the division of time will be 50-50 between you and the other parent.
2. Your child’s best interests are the primary considerations in determining whether there should be joint custody in DC.
There are many factors that are considered in determining what is in the best interests of a child for both physical and legal custody.
A few of the factors that are considered are: